


Relay | Free distribution of a small amount of MATIC

I previously received a MIRA gifted by the community, which successfully earned me my first bucket of gold in the Web3 world 🤪. Thanks to @xLog and @DIYgod!

I saw on the token interface that it can be exchanged for other tokens, but I found out that it requires some transaction fees in other tokens, which I don't have, so I didn't pursue it further.

Today, while browsing the community, I came across a post by @Aether_Q about MIRA-MATIC. With his generous help and following the official tutorial, I successfully exchanged my MIRA. I can now consider myself successful in cashing out the MIRA gifted by the community, allowing my "funds" to officially flow in the Web3 world, and officially becoming a capitalist in the Web3 world 🤪. Applause 👏👏👏

So, in order to pass on this love and help some fellow students like me, I will also distribute the Matic I exchanged to 5 students for free, 0.3 each.

p.s. Just leave a comment with your address, and I will send it to you when I see it.

It would be even better if you could pass on this love if you receive it 😁.

Finally, 😍@DIYgodddddddddd

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